Monday, July 17, 2006

The Recurring Nightmares

Ah. I always wanted to talk to someone about these things. Recurring nightmares.

It's not what you think. It's not the kind of nightmares where there's a huge, grizzly monster out to get you, or the world is about to end in a big impending explosion, or you're at the verge of needing to take some heroic action to save someone you love from the jaws of death.

It's the kinda down-to-earth nightmares where people you know are in it, and the things that happen are so close to reality that you just could've very well imagined that they did happen.

It's those kinda nightmares that I'm talking about.

In my case, it's been these ongoing nightmares about people from my past, things from my past that are unresolved, or rather, can't be resolved in the present day.

What I want to know is what it'll take to get these nightmares to stop. I don't need to be a loser in my dreams. Not anymore than I am in real life, eh?

It has always intrigued me how some things seem to stay embedded within our memory for years on end, and how, at the same time, something else (that perhaps even occurred at the same point of time as the aforesaid remembered incident) can quite easily be forgotten within the next day or hour or minute.

What are these thoughts that swim around in our brains? And most of all, why do they remain there? Why has God put them there?

The simple answer would be to say it's to make us remember. To make us recall our beginnings, and the lessons we've learnt through all we've been through. To chart our course way into the future, in the light of who we've become.

Without memories, we'd have no past. Without a past, we'd have no identity... no solid experiences to lend credibility to our existence. Without an identity, we'd not know why we're here, and would pretty much cease to be here. Despite the fact that we may still live on.

That would be an even worse nightmare, I'd wager. A living nightmare.

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