Saturday, August 11, 2007


are you happy now?

yeah, i bet you are.
i'm just that conveniently forgotten part of your long forsaken past.
cheers, brotha'.
i just needed your saving.
but you wouldn't give it. you wouldn't have any of it.
happy living out there.
oh wait, i mean down under there.
i miss you.
i will always miss you.
and you, you will always want to forget me.
i'm glad your life's peachy perfect now.
i must've been the imperfect speck that ruined it all.
so now. you can have it all.
go right on and live.
but i'm tearing apart.
with or without you.
dont give me that nonsense about how you hope you haven't scarred me for life.
like you cared anyway.
you just say your sorries and move on.
always on the move.
i hope someday you'll realise how much this affects other people.
i hope someday you'll hurt because somebody else left you behind the way you left me then maybe...
maybe you'll suddenly remember me.
and hopefully you'll be eternally seared with regret by then.
and i will be nowhere to be found.
i just want you to be guilty.
i just wanted you to want me.
and all you wanted was for me to disappear.
you have that now.
so i guess you must be happy.

Haha. PG Rated.

Oh wow. I feel somewhat proud of this. I mean, this is SO not me.
Which means that the chances are lower that someone will actually find me out.

And you know, it stinks to be forgotten. Downright stinks. It burns you up inside. And the ironic thing is this is somebody who supposedly loved me. LoveD me. Loves me no more.

Well, I still love you, you little creep.

Oh wait. I mean,

you fat lump of lazyness and feigned concern and high ambitions and broken promises and short term memory and careless words and immature perspectives and inconceivable zealousness for God and pride with no hopes of relent and what my friends call plainly, IRRESPONSIBLE.

I guess I was too kind in defending you before.